Huevos de Toro
Yesterday was my birthday which means that I am technically another year older and possibly wiser. Maybe it’s true, but I certainly don’t feel like that’s the case. Four nights ago, we had something special for dinner. Though this was one of the many times I have had the infamous “Supa” to eat (it is supposedly the Nicaraguan equivalent of eating ten bags of green M&M’s, which is to say, it is supposedly a strong aphrodisiac—but I didn’t feel much different after eating it), this time there was something special sitting right in the center of my soup bowl.
“Que es esto?” I asked.
“Huevos de Tortuga” was the reply.
Earlier in the week, Felix, my “hermano” of sorts, not only told me about the mystical sexual powers of the “supa” but also told me about his varied experiences with the smorgasbord of ingredients that have been known to make an appearance in the soup. One such experience, at least I thought, was about the “Huevos de Toro” which is to say, aka “Rocky Mountain Oysters”, aka Bull’s Balls. Naturally, I suspected that this round, white, somewhat hard object in my supa was…the Huevos de Toro (if you haven’t gotten it yet, Toro is the word for Bull and, well, bulls don’t lay no eggs…). So, I saddled up, got out my fork and knife, and prepared my body, mind, and soul, to undertake (and intake) and new adventure in dining. After slurping the “yoke” out, I was surprised how much the “Huevos de Toro” actually tasted like, “huevos.”
I thought, logically, that “Tortuga” was the place from which the unfortunate bull had come from, however, upon further questioning, realized that my preparation for this culinary adventure was for naught (or at least, my over-preparation). This was in fact the “Huevos de Tortuga” and Tortuga is not a place, it means turtle. So, if you are wondering, turtle eggs taste quite similar to chicken eggs and I am still wondering was “Huevos de Toro” taste like. So I guess I got a little wiser, experientially, and a little stupider, linguistically, which would account for my feeling of general balance despite being able to add another year to my age.
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